Love this. We do indeed try so hard to Control everything, when all too often we just create unintended consequences and/or fail to appreciate the stages of the ride. If only we would try to travel *with* Life instead of fighting against the natural flows.

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Well said! We create our own problem, by chasing some fictitious idea of a life where there are no problems.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Salman Ansari

Love it!

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Thanks Zareen! 😊

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Love this! Often times in really bad storms the ship will survive. They sometimes find the ship still floating and the sailers gone, having died trying to abandon ship in a liferaft.

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Your words remind me of a sentiment I heard regarding climate change. People say “the Earth is going to die!”, but the truth is that our careless acts will only sink us. Earth will survive, adapt and live on. With or without us, it’ll keep sailing the seas, like the boat whose sailors left it.

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