After I read The Artistโ€™s Way, I was dedicated to Morning Pages for about a year. I really got a lot out of the practice, but it was hard to layer in with everything else I wanted to do in the mornings (exercise, meditation, other writing, etc etc). I would love to give them another shot, if I can figure it all out!

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Thanks for sharing your experience! So cool that you did it for a year. I've only been doing it a couple months and I already know what you mean. It's funny because you think the hard part is doing a good habit, not choosing which good habit to do! Sometimes when I'm trying to do "all the good habits" it can become overwhelming tooโ€”journaling and stretching and meditating and exercising and... But I do think perhaps some flexibility is important. I have been working out more recently, and it really helps my mind. So if I want to do that instead of the morning pages, I feel like that's fine?

Two other things that I've been doing to help fit a bit:

1. I work part-time with a startup, and on "startup days" I have to be up way too early to do morning pages. So those days, I try to do them at night. It doesn't set me up for the day the same way, but it still gives me a chance to dump before bed.

2. I try not to be productive in the morning pages, but sometimes I have an idea for a little story or something. When I do, I allow myself to "stop" the morning pages early and start writing that thing instead. I wrote Angels on the Trains (https://letter.salman.io/p/angels-on-the-trains) like thatโ€”maybe 300 words of morning pages, then I switched to just drafting then. I ended up shipping it almost as is.

I think little tweaks like this will help me make it more of a thing that fits my life, rather than trying to morph myself too much to fit its premise. That or I'm just cheating ๐Ÿ˜…

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