This is the best issue ever! Thank you for sharing these incredible prints and Youtube link.

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Aw, thank you so much Jenny! Really glad you enjoyed it 😊 I love when I get to share my childhood obsessions and readers resonate with them as well! So much inspiration to draw from the classic cartoons.

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I have been trying to use cartoons to impart compliance lessons, because otherwise, who wants to remember all the boring stuff about what's legal or not legal? 😊

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That’s an excellent approach! I’ve wanted to mix ideas I’m sharing with animations too. But it’s so time consuming! How have you been approaching it so far?

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So at our company, we actually have a mini-animation studio, and so I work with them to produce tailored content. Here is one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbnuei550xk&feature=youtu.be

From a more policy angle, here is another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnMFvWFkjew&feature=youtu.be

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Wow, this is super cool!! Must be amazing to have an in-house team like that, love that you're exploring teaching compliance in such a creative and fun way.

I was a cofounder/CTO of a healthcare startup, and while I spent ages learning HIPAA, Medicare certification regulations etc... this kinda thing would have been such a breath of fresh air!

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We also have a number of "anything of value"/gift to government employees animations that our internal animation department created. Those are not on Youtube, but I can probably get them on, if you would like to look at them. But basically, these have proved more effective at imparting awareness than Keynotes or PPT slides.

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